Fantastic News!

American Fantastic has a new look.  There is also a lot of new content on the site.  "Illegal Aliens" is a recently posted science fiction short story by site co-creator John Beechem.  John has also continued to post updates to his fantasy story, The Chronicles of Trivo:  Phoenix Ranger, including a colored map of Tyrn and its surrounding countries.  Continue checking for new chapters of this story and for new stories by John and other writers.

Jo'n Beachum is only an apprentice member of Tyrn's cartographer's guild.

Dordji (co-creator) has added a new banner, a new background and continues to post his art work on the site.  See his work in "Dordji's website elements" from the link just below the banner.  Keep an eye out for new art from Dordji and other artists.

We are always looking for new content and contributors to the site.  Please submit original artwork and writing to

Enjoy your sojourn into the realm of the fantastic...