/I stare into
A cold digital abyss
Counting the hours
Before the alarm
Buried under the weight
Of the day yet to come
Fighting the clock for a
Few precious moments
Of my own damn time
Poured steaming into a
Mug of instant coffee
Crystals dissolving the
Thick mud of my consciousness
So I can sharpen the words
I’ve already poured out
To be honed and ready
For the alter, an offering
To strangers I know so well
Then it’s time to
Put on the day’s tired clothes
And sculpt my hair from
The faucet’s cold water
Throw food in my bag, banana
Apple, peanut butter, ephemera
Nourishment to balance the
Thousand or so calories
I’ll burn like paper
In 10,000 steps all lit and fiery
I may even have a bite of breakfast
To clean the foam of fluoride
Rush to my car
Cruising 90 MPH at 4:30 AM
To arrive by 5:00 and
Begin the day’s labor anew
I put in 11 hours
4 times a week
Plus another 4 hours
Depending on how broke
Or frisky I am
The details are meaningless
I use my body and mind
In equal measure
And I have a few comrades
But that’s all I’ll say
At 4:30 the klaxon sounds
It’s howl like
The trumpets that
Fell Jericho’s walls
I drive to a podcast
For the ½ hour journey home
A time of peace and solitude
Before my key clicks the door
Then it’s “Dada home,”
“Hi, Daddy,” “Hey, Johnny,”
I see the people
I work so hard for
And keep working
To finish the stove’s dinner
We eat together
A four plate circus
Conquer Wordle next
Our 6 year old types the letters
TV for the kids, phone scrolling for us
You know, family time
Bedtime is 6:30 (hey, they
Get up at 5:00)
Stories first, tales of peace
Then the Sandman nurses them
At last our time
To chill and actually
Be with each other
To see ourselves with
Whole hearts for an entire
Hour or so
I love us