Feed American Fantastic & Watch Her Grow!
/Friends, family and strangers, I need your help!
American Fantastic is a beautiful baby, but she is hungry for content!
Help her grow!
She needs brilliant artists to fill her hungry maw! Please direct your creative friends (or your own creative self) to submit work to americanfantastic@gmail.com. I want to eventually make us a little bit of money to support ourselves as artists and grow the website. If anybody else wants to help, please let me know! I'm hoping to create and sustain artistic communities, and I think I've created a cool platform to do this.
But I need help! If you know me personally (or even if you don't, but think this is a good idea), the best thing you can do to help is spread the word! I need enough artists to update the site at least on a weekly (eventually daily) basis and enough eyes on it to build an audience.
So please, if any of this seems cool or interesting to you, consider submitting content and/or referring artists who would be interested in becoming involved (writers, visual artists, musicians, film-makers/videographers, etc.). If you or anybody you know would be interested in interning or working as an editor/artist, please let me know! I promise to pay you as soon as I make any money from it (a little less than a year from now).
Submission Details
If you know any creative people or are one yourself, please consider submitting work! We prefer:
The written word (stories, poetry, essays, etc.) saved as a .doc (document) file. We will also write a writer's profile and link to your web presence on any site that your work is already published on including blogs, tumblr and/or writers' own professional websites.
Visual art (including photography) as any kind of image file (.jpeg, png, etc.). We will also write an artist's profile and link to your web presence on any site that your work is available to be viewed on and/or purchased from including Deviant Art and/or artists' own professional websites.
Music linked to on Sound Cloud or available as an .mp3. We will also write a musician's profile and link to your web presence however you already publish, promote, and stream your music on-line including musicians' own professional websites.
Film/Video posted on Youtube. We can embed video directly to the website, and direct our audience to your Youtube channel or any other platform you choose to publish and/or sell your work including film-makers' own professional websites.
Eventually, I will begin offering $15 yearly memberships to our audience and supporters that gives them access to exclusive content. However, the vast majority of content will always be free and published through a Creative Commons license. Any money raised from these memberships will be paid to sustain artists who have offered exclusive content, and the rest of the money wll be invested back into American Fantastic to help her grow.
I am also happy to sign off on hours for college kids (even grown-up ones) and anybody else creative enough to make this part of an assignment for classes involving on-line publishing or web-design! I will show you the guts of my website, and explain how they work (it's simple).
Thank you! And remember, when reality becomes a burden, enjoy a sojourn into the fantastic...
And check out Dordji's newest venture, Distorted Vanity!