My compatriots followed me
    Out of a wooden apartment door and a
Black iron gate that swung shut behind us
    Announcing our departure with an abrupt metallic

The movie theater was a dozen blocks North
    I couldn't resist walking them past the discarded
Syringe cast aside on our sidewalk
    It excited me to find concrete evidence

Justifying the reputation our neighborhood has earned
    One of junkies, hookers--people
 Considered disposable, leaving proof of themselves
    In what they disposed of so easily

Dordji & Kelly led once we got past  the
    Needle, and followed the cars rushing past us on
Aurora--Neon signs glimmered in the night like
    Sirens calling to the drivers, but my eyes dazzled too

How convenient for the junkies and the hookers
    To walk this broad boulevard, working
At once for life and death, making themselves
    Victims of their own crimes, neighbors unscathed

I can only afford to live in this neighborhood because
    Their dark habits resist the influx of moneyed denizens
I will enjoy neon signs, movie theaters, friends, comfort
    You don't destroy yourself on my behalf

    Thanks for letting me reap some reward